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Social Welfare Program

01 Medical Social Services

We provide specialized medical social services to help patients and their families overcome difficult issues related to psychological, social, economic, community-based, and rehabilitative medical care. Our services include counseling, medical staff consultations, and resource connections.

02 Medical Social Workers

As professional social workers in the field of health care, we work with medical staff to help clients, including patients with illnesses, their families, and the community, to solve psychological, social, emotional, and environmental problems. We strive to help individuals achieve their goals in disease prevention, recovery, and post-care management, not only by providing personal support, but also by accessing medical care and policy.

03 Social Work Counseling

1) Our social work counseling services cover the following areas : Psychological and social counseling: We help clients overcome stress related to illness and fear of treatment, as well as resolve conflicts that may arise among family members.
2) Economic counseling : We provide counseling for patients who are unable to pay for medical expenses, connect them with outside funding sources for medical care or provide internal support
3) Medical and welfare support program counseling : We support patients who are unable to return home after discharge or who need free caregiving during hospitalization by connecting them with home care services or collaborating with local welfare organizations.
4) Social welfare program counseling : We help clients overcome stress related to illness and fear of treatment, as well as resolve conflicts that may arise among family members.

04 Social Welfare Programs

We offer a variety of leisure programs to promote an active and healthy hospital stay and to enhance the effectiveness of medical care.

05 Community Collaboration Activities

- We engage in community collaboration activities, including : Specialized volunteer work: We utilize professional resources to support rehabilitation programs.
- General volunteering and cultural performances : We support emotional services, beauty services, activity assistance, and program collaboration.
- Special events : We hold special events throughout the year, such as filial piety festivals and flea markets.

06 Social Contribution Activities

We plan and conduct various social contribution activities to improve the welfare of local residents. These activities include medical volunteering both domestically and internationally, disaster relief, supporting economically vulnerable elderly people living in the community with essential goods and medical support.

Inquiries: Medical Social Services Team (+82-2-2067-9185)
